I Don’t Have Much Money…..

I am oftentimes inspired by music. Although ususally it’s not music that is currently playing but a tune that is stuck in my head. We all have them right? Hopefully they’re mostly good tunes not some obnoxious ditty  we’ve heard on a commercial. Lately, I’ve been inspired by Sir Elton John. I don’t have much money, but if I did, I’d buy a big house where we both could live.”This tune brought about a conversation with my husband last night. Ashamedly, I had purchased a couple of lottery tickets as it was my birthday and I thought, what the heck? Driving home after dinner I was fantasizing as to what our lives would look like if we ‘won’. I was thinking a bigger/nicer house here in FL, one where the kids are and one over by my sister, you know, real estate investments. Ahem… Then I asked my adorable husband who has been going through a terribly rough time career wise what he would want to do with the winnings. He answered, I’d want to keep things as they are other than helping our family members and those less fortunate and to further his education for the love of learning. Wow! Wake up call, I thought. But that is just like him, unselfish and thinking of others before himself.

I pondered this and realized that simple thing is what we’re here for. To help others. There are many, many ways to do that of course, but I firmly believe we need to do it to the extent that we’re able. It might be a card, a phone call, a text, visit or a meal. It doesn’t have to be anything huge! A couple of years ago after I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I had so much love and support from friends, family and strangers! I’ve had a lot of self doubt, self esteem issues in my life and this single period in my life brought about a healing I cannot put into words. It wasn’t any one thing that a person or persons did. It was a collective act of love, kindness, thoughts, prayers, food, cards, ect… No one thing meant more than the others. This healing is because of the acts of unselfish love, time and kindness.

I hope I remember this the next time I want something bigger or better, or where I want to go next or for that matter what I want to ‘Be’. 

“Do small things with great love.” ~ Mother Teresa

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