If I only knew then what I know Now

There’s always time & energy to do what we want, right?  I’m finding as the years go by it seems I have less of both. Time & energy are precious commodities. Gifts if you will. I want to view them as gifts. As privileges. At times there are so many things I want to do. Then I have to stop and ask myself, is it important? Will it matter in the future? This is one of the main reasons I’ve chosen to limit my time on social media through Lenten season. I thought it would be difficult, but it hasn’t been. It’s been freedom. Freedom to do more important things. 

Not to say there aren’t important & good things happening on social media. But, I’ve decided if there was really anything important the people I know & love can & will let me know the old fashioned way, by picking up the phone, writing an email or even a text message. And vice versa. 

Interestingly enough my social life hasn’t suffered at all. I’ve spoken with and seen people face to face. I’ve shared a lot in person. I find it much more satisfying. 

I have to wonder how this is changing me spiritually. The one on one. The ‘face to face’ with my Heavenly Father. Not just a quick 2 min prayer request or a hurried devotional time. No, real time conversation which includes more listening & less talking. What could be more important? What I’ve come to realize is I want more time, more energy for the things that matter. Eternal things. People matter but not so much in the way I’ve been looking at life through Facebook & Twitter. But in my heart. In my prayers & definitely face to face. Now I love me some FaceTime. Especially with my loved ones I don’t get to see often enough. I hope Jesus is happy to see me looking for His face. I want to seek it more & more. But I know in order to do that I have to give up more than just social media. Way more. I have to die. Everyday die to myself & what I ‘want’. Maybe then as I do I will truly feel more satisfied with how I’m spending my time & energy. I believe it will be restored. We do have that promise. And I’m so grateful we do. 

“He gives power to the weak, and to those that have no might He increases their strength. Even the youths shall faint and grow weary; and the young men shall utterly fall. But those who wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength; They will mount up with wings as eagles. They shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40: 39-31

Love & Blessings, 


4 thoughts on “If I only knew then what I know Now”

  1. Yes, Donna, time and energy are such precious gifts! I’m remembering that my brother left us on this earth and went to heaven to remain in our hearts…just a short 42 years ago today. Of course, I exclude myself from April fools day pranks and make it a day as pleasant as possible, like other days. I’m also remembering that the gifts we have today can be gone in the blink of an eye. I’m so very grateful our paths have crossed and we’ve had some precious time together. I love you, Donna Bailey Scarcella!


    1. God bless you Pam. My thoughts & prayers are with you. I know the feeling of missing a brother. But we will honor them by living our lives the best we can with the time we’ve been given. I love you too!


  2. This is the first time I’ve seen your blog, Donna, although you shared the fact that you were starting it months ago. I sure wish I would have started following it sooner. Such true and precious words, my friend. Can’t wait to read the next one, they are inspiring and filled with hope and love.

    Love you ❤️


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